Sunday 18 April 2010

A weekend of two halves

I have had a weekend of two halves. Well all work and no play, makes Louise a dull girl!
Saturday I spent painting the summer house a lovely shade of Wild Thyme and today has been spent eating yummy Purbeck ice-cream, drinking cider and getting sand between my toes, properly for the first time this year.

                                                                                          Sandbanks Dorset

The lovely sunny weather we have had this week, has really got the garden springing into action. The colours of the plants and flowers, this time of year seem to be very vibrant. It might simply be the fact that they are the first flora to visually stimulate the senses after the drab darkness of winter has departed.

                                                                                      Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)


We have had two episodes of the Edible Garden with Alys Fowler and I am loving it! The way the programme has been filmed including little animations, really makes the programme a treat to watch, as well as being informative and inspiring to those who are new to vegetable gardening. And I definitely  felt her pain, when she spoke about losing tomatoes to the dreaded blight. I am hoping that my little seedlings of blight resistant Legend will restore my faith in growing tomatoes again.
I feel we are on the verge of a growing revolution and I am very excited by it. It really gives you a sense of achievement, working with nature to produce some delicious vegetables and fruit for the kitchen table.

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