When you get dressed in the morning, knowing that you have a day of gardening ahead of you, do you have clothes dedicated to the task? Do you look presentable like Rachel de Thame, or do you look like me; joggy bottoms splattered with paint, the oldest t shirt from the drawer and no make-up! The clothes I wear in the garden, used to look tidy, until worn out and tatty and then relegated to the gardening wardrobe. I know it seems kind of pointless, looking your best, when you know you are going to get covered in dirt but really I think I need to make more of an effort so I am going to look in my wardrobe for newer clothes to relegate to gardening duty and maybe a touch of mascara at the very least!
The sun shone yesterday and I was glad to be outside. For a brief moment, there were no children in the neighbouring gardens and it was peaceful. Instead of enjoying this moment though, all I could think of was that the little blighters would return at any second to spoil the birdsong and then there it was, shouting from the top and side of the garden. My daughter tried to remind me that she and her brother were like that once but somehow it doesn't sound so bad when it comes from your children!
After muttering 'shut up' a few times, I turned to the jobs in hand. To move the raspberries which I grew in pots last year into beds and do some weeding. The raspberries did quite well in pots last year but you have to be quite vigilant with the watering (which I wasn't always) and they didn't fruit as well as the ones in the ground. They are autumn fruiting raspberries, which are cut to the ground each winter and now have lovely green shoots over them, a sure sign that spring is on the way. The weeding and cutting back were quite satisfying jobs. I got quite excited to see new shoots on the clematis which I purchased last year but hadn't planted out. I was a bit worried that it hadn't survived the cold weather we had this winter.
I found a few spring flowers to photograph in the garden. Pulmonaria also known as Lungwort and Bergenia. It was thought that the plant had medicinal qualities, as the leaves have white spots on them, resembling diseased lungs and therefore it was used to cure pulmonary disease during the plague.
BergeniaFingers crossed for sunny weather next weekend. Lots to do in the garden and I must sort out my wardrobe before then.