Today the clocks have gone forward, which usually heralds the beginning of Spring but Winter still has its grip on us. Buds are beginning to break on the Hydrangea but a skeletal leaf still holds on for dear life; I will prune the old stems out in the next few weeks.
I tweeted in the week that I had ordered my new greenhouse http://www.greenhousesgalore.co.uk/cat.asp?ID=538 and we got the shock of our lives on Saturday morning, when it was delivered! The website indicated that delivery could take up to 6 weeks, so Andy knew he had a couple of weeks or so, to get the base ready; not so now. I originally saw a polycarbonate greenhouse I liked but when I looked into it, the thickness of the polycarbonate was extremely thin, so I opted for a glass one instead. Also, I have changed my mind many times as to it's site but now I think I am settled but have to move the fruit out of its bed and find a new home for it.
Before I can start to plant my seeds, I am making the soil cosy and warm by covering it over. My veg bed has a couple of cloches covering it and the wooden trough for my salad leaves is covered with fleece. I will leave it, maybe a week or two and then start to plant the seeds.
Although the weather is still chilly (I gardened with weekend wearing my woolly scarf!) my perennials are beginning to emerge out of the soil. It's very exciting to see this, especially as I can't remember half the plants I planted into my new gravel garden last year.

My Crambe Cordifolia with its aubergine stems, is emerging out of the soil. It grew too big for its space last year and I couldn't bear to throw it away, so I popped it into a very large pot.
I am waiting for the postman to deliver Dahlia Roxy, purchased from Sarah Ravens website. http://www.sarahraven.com/shop/ I am usually attracted to the large cactus type flowers, than this more delicate flower but whilst visiting Perch Hill last year, Roxy grabbed my attention and I knew I had to get one.

Dahlia Roxy nibbled by Earwigs
Lots still to do in the garden but with Easter next weekend, I will need to get working in the garden, to burn off all that chocolate!