When I walked up the stairs at work today, I felt as stiff as a board - the after effects of a weekends toil in the garden.
The past two weekends have been a very busy time in the garden. Firstly digging out a new veg bed in the garden (actually that was Andy's hard graft) and this weekend it was shaking the soil off the mountain of turfs removed to make the way for the raised bed. We removed quite a lot of soil, which we put back into the raised bed, which now needs enriching with eco compost.
Last weekend I sowed, four types of tomatoes, basil, peas, runner beans, climbing french beans, sweet peas, chillies and lots of different cut and come again lettuces. Also to add a bit of colour to the veg beds, companion plants; marigolds and nasturtiums. My legumes have burst up through the soil in no time and the tomatoes are just starting to peep through.
Gardeners' World is back on our screens and from a new location; Greenacres.
At first I was a bit sceptical about Toby (I was a bit miffed that Carol wasn't asked to take over as head of the programme) but I am really loving this new series. It's all about going back to basics and although I have been gardening for many years, it's good to be reminded especially when it comes to vegetable growing which I am relatively new at and gardening needs to encourage new young blood.
I have been to my local garden centre Haskins and bought some lovely plants for my new Herbaceous border. Some plants caught my eye, planted in coir pots, which biodegrade (you plant the plants in their pots) with a reduced peat content. I bought Crambe Cordifolia and a Verbascum. I would have been happier if the soil did not contain any peat at all and can't wait for the day when growers ditch the use of peat. I went to B & Q and bought a Peony, a plant which I have never grown before, so I am very excited. When reading the planting instructions, it said to plant in peat free compost (gold star) but reading further it stated that it was planted in 75% peat! Oh B & Q you nearly got a house point, just try a little harder next time!
In the garden this week

Carex Pendula

Strawberry Plant


Pea Seedling