YUM, YUM YUMMY! I tasted the first produce from my garden last night. I was so excited to see the strawberries all juicy and ripe just waiting to be picked that I shouted Strawberries! at the top of my voice (well according to my son, I didn't realise I was that loud) but it was a very exciting moment for me.
Before I could eat them, I ran inside and searched for a lovely bowl to photograph them in. The light was just right, nice and diffused but still bright enough.
The veg plot is going crazy at the moment. Some of the leaves on the onions and garlic are starting to yellow, so I don't think it will be too long before they are pulled from the ground. I hope not because I have some Butternut Squash waiting in the wings and desperate to be put in the ground. I think I am definitely going to move to a bigger plot next year, I just love growing your own and it tastes so good!!!!!!!!!!