Friday 12 June 2009

NGS Herons Mead

A very enjoyable Sunday afternoon was spent visiting the garden of Angela and Ron Millington in East Burton near Wool in Dorset.

Chattel House from where the refreshments are served

The garden is long, very long in fact. I thought I was near the bottom of the garden, when Ron informed me that I was only halfway down. The garden has lots of sections to it. There are fabulous herbaceous borders at the back of the house, leading to a rose arch, which wasn't in bloom when I was there but I expect looks beautiful when in flower.

Rose Arch

Rose Arch taken from the other side
The refreshments were served in the Chattel House by some of the ladies from the local WI. They were rather young and fun, not at all the archetypal WI ladies, with not a hint of tweed in sight. (Although I think my view of the WI is probably rather dated)
Anyone for cake!

Inside the Chattel House
There is a lovely old Walnut tree next to the Chattel House, which then leads into the vegetable garden.

Mrs Scarecrow

After the vegetable garden, you wind your way down the garden through the most abundant herbaceous borders, where I spotted a quote from Gertrude Jekyll propped up against a seat.

A quote from Gertrude Jekyll
The planting overflows onto a narrow path, which you have to take single file, through to an archway in the hedge to a beautiful woodland garden.
Looking out from the woodland garden to the herbaceous border
The woodland garden offered a lovely cool relief from the heat of the afternoon, with large Eucalyptus trees, under planted with Euphoria's, Geraniums, Rhododendrons and lots of Aqualigas.
A quiet sitting place under the Eucalyptus tree
Shell mobile hanging in the woodland garden
Nora Barlow
After a garden came the tea and cakes. I sampled the Victoria Sponge, as per the last two gardens I have visited and this cakes sponge was so light, it nearly flew off the plate!
All the proceeds from the refreshments, goes to Dogs for the Disabled. Jenny Clarke who has started her company Woofability, is training a puppy called Furzil to do tasks for her like take the washing out of the machine, pick things up, take off socks; small tasks which would be hard for Jenny to do, as she is in a wheelchair after an accident 25 years ago.
She came to the garden with her husband Andy, her daughter and her dog Farrah.
Jenny with Farrah
Farrah waiting for her command and then a treat
Farrah is absolutely gorgeous and Dogs for the Disabled is such a worthy cause. Jenny gives talks to groups to raise awareness of the charity and to raise the profile of Woofability.
I really enjoyed visiting Herons Mead. Not only is it a lovely garden, with lots of fabulous plants but the people I met whilst visiting the garden were such fun. Angela and Ron the hosts, Jenny and Andy and the ladies of the WI, all made us feel so welcome and if you would like to visit the garden, they have another two open days on 28 June and 20 Sept - well worth a visit.
Love in a Mist
Nectaroscordum Siculum
Sisyrinchium Striatum
Angela and Ron Millington

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